Vihreitten Puolueen 2024 Presidentti Ehdokkaan Arvot Kieltävät Elämän Luojan Pyhyyden

Vihreitten Puolueen Presidentti ehdokkaan arvot kieltävät Elämän Luojan Pyhyyden ja Hänen olemassaolostansa. Tai sitten niin että he tunnustavat YHWH Elohim olemassaolon, mutta kieltävät Hänen ohjeensa ja käskyt mitkä on kirjoitettu ylös Juutalaisissa Pyhissä kirjoituksissa. Siten Vihreitten Puolueen 2024 Presidentti Ehdokkaan arvoilla he mollaavat Elämän Luojan (YHWH) sanat ja ohjeet.

Mikä olisi sen selvempää pilkkaamista kuin nostamalla ihmisen seksuaalisuus elimet, halut ja himot yli Elämän Luojan pyhyyden?

Ihmisten toimet mitkä ovat päinvastoin Elämän Luojan olemuksen pyhyyttä, että vähätellään tai suorastaan laiminlyödään Hänen antamia ohjeita, on suoraan sanottuna Elämän Luojan pilkkausta.

Sillä tuleva 2024 Presidentin rooli yhteyskunnassa on yleinen ja näkyvä rooli. On täysin selvää, että ne ihmiset ketkä äänestävät homoseksuaalisuutta harrastaa Presidentti ehdokasta tekevät sen täydessä epäuskossa Elämän Luojaan, tai pirullisesti pilkka mielessä. Niin kuin Marxilaisuuden henki joka tekee kaikkensa häpäistä sitä mikä on pyhää, sillä Marxilaisuuden henki on vihamielisyyttä Elämän Luojaa vasten.    

Juutalaisissa Pyhissä Kirjoituksissa hyvin selvästi tuotu esille, että Elohim, Adonai EL Shaddai (YHWH) on Pyhä, ja Hän vaatii pyhyyden kunnioitusta ihmisiltä.

 Jesaja 6:1–5.

“Kuningas Ussian kuolinvuonna minä näin YHWH: hän istui korkealla ja ylhäisellä istuimella, ja hänen vaatteensa liepeet täyttivät temppelin. Hänen yläpuolellaan seisoivat serafit, joilla oli kuusi siipeä kullakin: kahdella he peittivät kasvonsa, kahdella verhosivat ruumiinsa ja kahdella lensivät. He huusivat toinen toiselleen:

– Pyhä, pyhä, pyhä on YHWH Sebaot!

Hänen kirkkautensa täyttää kaiken maan.

Ovenpielet vapisivat äänten voimasta, ja huone tuli täyteen savua. Ja minä sanoin:

– Voi minua, minä hukun!

Minulla on saastaiset huulet,

ja saastaiset huulet on kansalla,

jonka keskellä elän,

ja nyt minun silmäni ovat nähneet Kuninkaan,

YHWH Sebaotin.

Ilmestys Kirja 4:8-11.

“Sitten näin tämän: taivaan ovi oli auki, ja kuului sama ääni, jonka olin edellisellä kerralla kuullut – kuin olisi torveen puhallettu. Se sanoi minulle: »Nouse tänne! Minä näytän sinulle, mitä tämän jälkeen on tapahtuva.»

Siinä samassa olin Hengen vallassa. Näin, että taivaassa oli valtaistuin ja sillä valtaistuimella istui joku, joka loisti kuin jaspis ja karneoli. Valtaistuinta ympäröi sateenkaaren kaltainen smaragdinvärinen hohde. Tämän valtaistuimen ympärillä oli kaksikymmentäneljä valtaistuinta, ja niillä istui kaksikymmentäneljä vanhinta, joilla oli yllään valkeat vaatteet ja päässään kultaseppele. Valtaistuimesta lähti salamoita ja kuin ukkosen jyly. Sen edessä oli seitsemän soihtua, Jumalan seitsemän henkeä, ja sen edessä oli myös ikään kuin lasinen, kristallin tavoin kimmeltävä meri.

Valtaistuimen edessä ja ympärillä oli neljä olentoa, jotka sekä edestä että takaa olivat täynnä välkehtiviä silmiä. Yksi muistutti leijonaa, toinen nuorta härkää, kolmannella oli kuin ihmiskasvot, ja neljäs näytti lentävältä kotkalta. Näillä neljällä olennolla oli kullakin kuusi siipeä, jotka olivat molemmilta puolin täynnä välkehtiviä silmiä. Taukoamatta, päivin öin, nuo olennot lausuvat:

– Pyhä, pyhä, pyhä

on YHWH Elohim, Kaikkivaltias!

Hän oli, hän on ja hän on tuleva.

Aina kun olennot ylistävät, kunnioittavat ja kiittävät häntä, joka istuu valtaistuimellaan ja joka elää aina ja ikuisesti, nuo kaksikymmentäneljä vanhinta heittäytyvät maahan hänen valtaistuimensa eteen ja osoittavat hänelle kunnioitustaan – hänelle, joka elää aina ja ikuisesti. He asettavat seppeleensä valtaistuimen eteen ja lausuvat:

– YHWH, meidän Elohim!

Sinä olet arvollinen saamaan ylistyksen, kunnian ja vallan,

sillä sinä olet luonut kaiken.

Kaikki, mikä on olemassa, on sinun tahdostasi luotu.”

Lisää kirjoituksia samasta aiheesta löytyy verkkosivulta

Apostoli Pietarin Kirjeen Ohjeet

1 Pietarin Kirje 1:13-

Kutsu Pyhään Elämään

”Vyöttäytykää siis, olkaa raittiit. Pitäkää ajatuksenne kirkkaina ja pankaa täysi toivonne siihen armoon, joka teille annetaan Jeesuksen Kristuksen ilmestyessä. Olkaa kuuliaisia lapsia älkääkä taipuko noudattamaan himoja, joiden vallassa ennen, tietämättömyytenne aikana, elitte. Niin kuin hän, joka teidät on kutsunut, on pyhä, niin tulkaa tekin pyhiksi kaikessa mitä teette.”

Onhan kirjoitettu:

”Olkaa pyhät, sillä minä olen pyhä.”

3 Mooseksen Kirja 18:2–4

”Ja jos kerran te rukoillessanne kutsutte Isäksi häntä, joka puolueettomasti tuomitsee kunkin hänen tekojensa mukaan, niin eläkää jumalanpelossa tämä muukalaisuutenne aika.

Tiedättehän, ettei teitä ole lunastettu isiltä perimästänne tyhjänpäiväisestä elämästä millään katoavalla tavaralla, hopealla tai kullalla, vaan Kristuksen, tuon virheettömän ja tahrattoman karitsan, kalliilla verellä.

Hänet oli valittu jo ennen maailman perustamista, ja nyt aikojen lopulla hänet on tuotu julki teitä varten. Hänen kauttaan te uskotte YHWH Elohim, joka herätti hänet kuolleista ja antoi hänelle kirkkauden, niin että te uskoessanne myös panette toivonne YHWH.

Kun te totuudelle kuuliaisina olette puhdistautuneet elääksenne vilpittömässä, veljellisessä rakkaudessa, niin rakastakaa toisianne uskollisesti ja kaikesta sydämestänne. Olettehan te syntyneet uudesti, ette katoavasta siemenestä, vaan katoamattomasta, YHWH Elohim elävästä ja pysyvästä sanasta.”

Sillä ihminen on kuin ruoho, ihmisen kauneus kuin kedon kukka.

Ruoho kuivuu, kukka lakastuu, mutta Herran sana pysyy iäti.

Juuri tämä sana on teille ilosanomana julistettu.”

New Year Optimism Poem for 2023

Happy New Year
Author: Catherine Pulsifer

H appiness depends upon your outlook on life. – Find the good in all situations
A ttitude is just as important as ability.- Keep your attitude positive
P assion find yours this year! – Do what you love and you will never work
P ositive thoughts make everything easier.- Stay focused and stay positive
Y ou are unique, with special gifts, use them. – Never forget you have talent

N ew beginnings with a new year.
Enthusiasm a true secret of success.
W ishes may they turn into goals.

Y ears go by to quickly, enjoy them.- Wisdom from your elders, listen
E nergy may you have lots of it. – Take care of yourself
A ppreciation of life, don’t take it for granted. – Live each day
R elax take the time to relax in this coming year.- Keep a balance in your life


Avoiding Foods While Breast Feeding

Metsämarjojen Ravinto

Metsämarjojen Ravinto on Suuri Hyöty

“Luonnonmarjat ovat luonnonvaraisten kasvien tuottamia marjoja. Suomessa kasvaa 37 luonnonvaraista syötävää marjaa. Ravintokäyttöön näistä hyödynnetään pariakymmentä lajia. Tunnetuimmat ja kaupallisesti arvokkaimmat marjat ovat puolukka, mustikka, variksenmarja, vadelma, suomuurain, karpalo, pihlajanmarja, tyrni, juolukka ja mesimarja.

Pohjoisen luonnon valoisa kesä kypsyttää ilman hiilijalanjälkeä metsiin ja soille marjasadon, jota jokainen luonnossa liikkuja voi jokamiehenoikeuksien turvin hyödyntää. Suomen vuotuisen metsämarjasadon on arvioitu olevan yli 500 miljoonaa kiloa. Huononakin satovuonna luonnonmarjoja kypsyy yli 100 kg eli parikymmentä ämpärillistä jokaista suomalaista kohti.

Luonnonmarjasadosta poimitaan talteen vain murto-osa. Esimerkiksi puolukan ja mustikan sadosta on arvioitu poimittavan vain 5–10 %. Lakan sadosta poimitaan talteen enemmän, kun taas esimerkiksi variksenmarjan suuri sato jää miltei kokonaan hyödyntämättä.

Luonnonmarjatuotteita jalostavien suomalaisyritysten marjatarpeesta jopa 90 prosenttia poimivat ulkomailta, kuten Thaimaasta tulevat marjanpoimijat.

Luonnonmarjoja syödään Suomessa keskimäärin kahdeksan kiloa henkeä kohden vuodessa.

Uhanalaisia, rauhoitettuja luonnonmarjoja Suomessa ovat euroopanmarjakuusi, lehtokielo, lehtovatukka ja sinikuusama.”


terveet silmat

Information About French Wine 2018

Information About French Wine 2018

Whenever wine comes up in a conversation or a thought, we often find ourselves thinking of where the wine came from. If you study the name of the wine, such as Burgundy or Champagne, you’ll find a log about the origin of the wine. Burgundy, for instance, we all know comes from France, same as Burgundy. There are many wines out there – several of which come from France.

In the times of the old, wine in France was made by peasants, who drank it themselves. Wine is very old in France, which is really no surprise as French wine is some of the best in the world. New world wines have the ingredients that were used in the label, while French old world wine is labeled with the location. In doing so, the French have left a bit of a romantic message when you purchase any of their wine.

A lot of wine enthusiasts all over the world consider French wine to be the best. Wine lovers from all over the world prefer French wine over any other. There are several different kinds of French wine available, giving you plenty to choose from. This way, you can experience and compare wine based on aroma, taste, and even the texture.

There are thirteen different regions in France with literally thousands of vineyards that produce wine, making the possibilities for French wine endless. French is also known for having the ideal location for growing grapes, including the perfect soil conditions and vineyards that are very close to the water. The climate in France is always good, making it one of the best locations in the world for wine.

French wine varies from the most common types that you can find virtually everywhere that sells wine, to the rare variants, which can be very difficult to come across. If you are looking for one of the more rare types of French wine, your best bet would be to use the Internet. You can find hundreds of thousands of different types of wine, including rare French wine. Rare vintage French wine can be extremely hard to find, even sometimes so online. You can always look at wine forums as well, including the many different wine websites.

All in all, French wine is a cut above the rest. Although other wines may use the same ingredients and methods in production, they don’t taste the same as those made in France. When you taste a wine that was made in France – you’ll know it. Even though other wines may be preferred by some, French wine has a taste and aroma like no other. A wine that comes from France is all about quality – and a taste you’ll never forget.

Storing And Caring For Wine In 2018

Storing And Caring For Wine In 2018

Over the years, wine consumption has become more and more popular. With more and more money going into wine both as an investment and for later consumption, the history of the wine will always be in question. With this in mind, many people often wonder how they can properly store their wine and take care of it at the same time.

How you store your wine is extremely important. If you store it right it can lead to euphoria, while if you store it wrong it can lead to depression. When you tear into a bottle of wine that has properly been stored, it can be glorious indeed, while tearing into a bottle of poorly stored wine can be quite the letdown. Often times, drinking a bottle of wine that was poorly stored is much like drinking vinegar.

To properly store wine, you’ll need to meet several factors, such as humidity, temperature, lighting, the cleanliness of your storage area, the angle of the bottle while it is stored, and the vibration of the bottle on the rack. The temperature is the most important, as you should keep it around 50 degrees at all times. This way, the lower temperature can help to age the wine. If there are any fluctuations in the temperature, you should make sure that it happens slowly. As long as the temperature doesn’t go to high and it fluctuates slowly, your wine should be ok.

The proper level of humidity for storing wine should be around 70%, although it is perfectly acceptable to keep it 10% above or below the 70% level. If you have too high of a humidity temperature, the labels can easily rot or mold, which can affect the wine’s value. On the other hand, if the humidity gets too low, around 50%, the cork could shrink and bring air into the wine, which would ruin it in little to no time at all.

The angle that wine is stored is important as well. If the wine stays in contact with the cork during storage, the cork won’t dry out. If the wine doesn’t stay in contact with the cork, the cork could dry out and allow air into the wine. You should also strive to keep the wine out of the light, as light can ruin any type of wine. Light causes the wine to age prematurely, making it in your best interest to store wine in a dark location.

To prevent damage to the wine from sediment, you should also store wine in a location that is free of vibration. If you store wine in places that are free from vibration, it will give the sediment in the bottle ample time to settle. Vibrations are never a good thing for wine, as the sediment becomes unsettled and can ruin the wine or shake it to the point where it tastes horrible.

To protect the quality and investment of your wine, storage and care is very important. Storing it in a proper location will also bring the best taste. In the world of wine, nothing is more disappointing than waiting several years to open a bottle of fine wine, only to find that it is nothing but vinegar. You can prevent this from happening though, by taking care of your wine. Wine isn’t hard to care for or store, it just takes the right conditions and location. Everyone loves some fine wine every now and then – which is why storage and care are so very important these days.

Why You Should Use A Wine Rack

Why You Should Use A Wine Rack

For a wine to mature in the proper way, you’ll need to have the right humidity, temperature, light condition, and movement. Whenever you are storing wine for any amount of time, you’ll need to ensure that the wine is in a safe place. Even though there are a few ways that you can store wine, none are safer or smarter than using a wine rack.

When you choose your wine rack, you should always remember to choose one that will store your wine properly. There are several styles to choose from, including those that stack, wall mounts, and side mounts. You should also pay attention to size as well, as the sizes range from storing a few bottles to storing hundreds. You’ll also have a lot of varieties and designs to select from, all of which depend on your needs and your space.

Among the best types of wine racks are the horizontal racks. Contrary to what many may think, vertical racks aren’t a good choice for storing your wine. A wine that is stored on vertical racks is stored vertically, which means that the cork will dry out and eventually start to shrink, bringing air into the wine and ruining it. On the other hand, vertical racks can come in handy when storing wine for short periods of time, or wine that is best consumed young.

Tilted racks are another type of rack you should avoid using, as they can dry out the corks or deposit the sediments too close to the cork. For your wine storing needs, you should always go with a horizontal rack. Horizontal racks will keep the cork moist, and keep unwanted air from making contact with the wine. The sediment will fall towards the side of the bottle, preventing spillage when you pop the cork. Horizontal racks are also very affordable and you can always add more racks to the design with little to no problem.

The materials for wine racks are normally wood or metal. You can hang them from ceilings, mount them on the wall, or simply place them on the floor. Metal racks are the strongest, although wood is more flexible. Wooden racks provide a bit more storage, for the simple fact that you can always add to them. Wood racks are also visually appealing, durable, and provide plenty of strength.

All in all, a wine rack is a fine investment for anyone who appreciates wine. There are various sizes to choose from, all of which are very affordable. The small to medium sizes work best for homes, while the large styles are best for commercial settings. No matter where you keep your wine – you can count on a wine rack to keep your wine stored for years to come.

Breast Feeding Toddlers

Breast Feeding Toddlers

Because more and more women are choosing to breast
feed their babies, more and more are also finding
that they enjoy it enough to continue longer than
the first few months they planned on. Breast
feeding to 3 – 4 years of age is common in much
of the world recently, and is still common in
many societies for toddlers to be breastfed.

Because mothers and babies often enjoy breastfeeding,
you shouldn’t stop it. After six months,
many think that breast milk loses its value –
which isn’t true. Even after six months, it
still contains protein, fat, and other important
nutrients which babies and children need.

The fact is, immune factors in breast milk will
protect the baby against infections. Breast
milk also contains factors that will help the
immune system mature, and other organs to develop
and mature as well.

Breast Feeding Toddlers Explained
bright girl playing with bubbles

Breast Feeding Toddlers Explained

It’s been shown and proven in the past that
children in daycare who are still breastfeeding
have far less severe infections than the
children that aren’t breastfeeding. The mother
will lose less work time if she chooses to
continue nursing her baby once she is back to

If you have thought about breastfeeding your
baby once he gets past 6 months of age, you
have made a wise decision. Although many feel
that it isn’t necessary, breast milk will always
help babies and toddlers. Breast milk is the
best milk you can give to your baby.

No matter what others may tell you, breastfeeding
only needs to be stopped when you and the baby
agree on it. You don’t have to stop when someone
else wants you to – you should only stop when
you feel that it’s the right time.

Breast Feeding Adopted Babies

Breast Feeding Adopted Babies

Not only is breastfeeding an adopted baby easy,
the chances are that you will produce a large
amount of milk. It isn’t complicated to do,
although it is different than breastfeeding a
baby, you have been pregnant with for 9 months.

Breastfeeding and milk
There are two objectives that are involved in
breastfeeding an adopted baby. The first is
getting your baby to breastfeed, and the other
is producing enough breast milk.

There is more to breastfeeding than just milk,
which is why many mothers are happy to feed
without expecting to produce milk in the way
the baby needs. It’s the closeness and the
bond breastfeeding provides that many mothers
look for.

Breast Feeding Adopted Babies
Mother with daughter in the park

Taking the breast

Even though many feel the early introduction of
bottles may interfere with breastfeeding, the
early introduction of artificial nipples can
interfere a great deal. The sooner you can get
the baby to the breast after birth, the better
things will be.

Babies will, however, require the flow from the
breast in order to stay attached and continue
to suck, especially if they are used to getting
flow from a bottle or other method of feeding.

Producing breast milk

As soon as you have an adopted baby in sight,
contact a lactation clinic and start getting
your milk supply ready. Keep in mind, you
may never produce a full milk supply for your
baby, although it may happen. You should
never feel discouraged by what you may be
pumping before the baby, as a pump is never
quite as good at extracting milk as a baby
who is well latched and sucking.

Breast Compression

Breast Compression

The sole purpose of breast compression is to continue
the flow of milk to the baby once the baby no longer
drinks on his own. Compression will also stimulate
a letdown reflex and often causes a natural let
down reflex to occur. This technique may also be
useful for the following:
1. Poor weight gain in the baby.
2. Colic in the breastfed baby.
3. Frequent feedings or long feedings.
4. Sore nipples for the mother.
5. Recurrent blocked ducts
6. Feeding the baby who falls asleep quick.

Breast Compression

If everything is going well, breast compression may
not be necessary. When all is well, the mother should
allow the baby to finish feeding on the first side,
then if the baby wants more – offer the other side.

How to use breast compression
1. Hold the baby with one arm.
2. Hold the breast with the other arm, thumb
on one side of your breast, your finger on the other
far back from the nipple
3. Keep an eye out for the baby’s drinking,
although there is no need to be obsessive about
catching every suck. The baby will get more milk when
drinking with an open pause type of suck.
4. When the baby is nibbling or no longer
drinking, compress the breast, not so hard that it
hurts though. With the breast compression, the baby
should begin drinking again.
5. Keep up the pressure until the baby no
longer drinks with the compression, then release the
pressure. If the baby doesn’t stop sucking with the
release of compression, wait a bit before compressing
6. The reason for releasing pressure is to
allow your hand to rest and allow the milk to begin
flowing to the baby again. If the baby stops sucking
when you release the pressure, he’ll start again
once he tastes milk.
7. When the baby starts to suck again, he
may drink. If not, simply compress again.
8. Continue feeding on the first side until
the baby no longer drinks with compression. You
should allow him time to stay on that side until he
starts drinking again, on his own.
9. If the baby is no longer drinking, allow
to come off the breast or take him off.
10. If the baby still wants more, offer the
other side and repeat the process as above.
11. Unless you have sore nipples, you may
want to switch sides like this several times.
12. Always work to improve the baby’s latch.

Avoiding Foods While Breast Feeding

Avoiding Foods While Breast Feeding

Many women find that they can eat whatever they may
like during breast feeding. Even though it’s true
that some stongly favored foods can change the
taste of your milk, many babies seem to enjoy the
varieties of breast milk flavors. Occasionally,
your baby may get cranky at the breast after you
eat certain foods. If you notice this happening,
simply avoid that particular food.

Avoiding Foods While Breast Feeding
Mother with two daughters,

The most common offenders duing breast feeding
include chocolate, spices, citrus fruits, garlic,
chili, lime, gassy vegetables, and fruits with
laxative type effects, such as prunes and cherries.

You can have a cup or two of coffee a day, although
too much caffeine can interfere with your baby’s
sleep and even make him or her cranky. Keep in
mind, caffeine is found in many soda’s, tea, and
even over the counter type medicine as well.

It’s okay to have an alcoholic beverage every now
and the, although having more than one drink can
increase your blood alcohol level, putting the
alcohol into your breast milk.

If you are planning to have more than one drink
at a time, it’s best to wait two hours or more
per drink before you resume any type of nursing
or breast feeding. There is no need to pump
and dump unless your breasts are full and its
time to feed your baby. While breast feeding,
any type of heavy drinking should be avoided.

Before you actually omit any foods from your
diet, you should talk to your doctor. If you
avoid certain foods and it causes a nutritional
imbalance, you may need to see a nutritionist
for advice on taking other foods or getting
nutritional supplements.

Thank you for visiting website and reading this Avoiding Foods While Breast Feeding article post.  Stay tuned for more articles on the same topic coming up soon.